Hiarcs chess explorer v1.8d keygen
Hiarcs chess explorer v1.8d keygen

hiarcs chess explorer v1.8d keygen

  • Hiarcs Chess Explorer 1.5 released by Harvey Williamson, HIARCS Customer Support & Announcements Forum, July 27, 2013.
  • Hiarcs Chess Explorer for Mac and PC - Quick tour videos by Mark Uniacke, Hiarcs Customer Support & Announcements Forum, September 28, 2012.
  • review of the new hiarcs explorer by Joseph, CCC, August 31, 2012.
  • HIARCS Chess Explorer tips by Mark Uniacke, HIARCS Customer Support & Announcements Forum, August 29, 2012.
  • hiarcs chess explorer v1.8d keygen

  • HIARCS Chess Explorer is released! by Mark Uniacke, HIARCS Customer Support & Announcements Forum, August 26, 2012.
  • Chess Explorer by tomgdrums, HIARCS Customer Support & Announcements Forum, September 07, 2011.
  • The surrounding frame window uses the classical title-, menu- and toolbar at the top of the frame and a status bar at the bottom. A tabbed window consists of tiled areas with sub- or child windows, the chess board, notation, opening book statistics, analysis, and database list or query result windows. Chess Explorer provides a tabbed document interface, one document associated with a chess game in playing or analyzing mode, either started from the initial position or selected from a list of games, the universe or subset from a query result of a PGN database, for re-play with further analysis with new variants and editing annotations. It is sold in bundle with the HIARCS 14 engine based on the program which won the WCSC 2011, and is able to use any UCI compatible chess engine. Home * User Interface * GUI * HIARCS Chess ExplorerĪ sophisticated, commercial chess GUI for PC or Macintosh computers to run under Windows or Mac OS, designed and developed by Michal Rudolf and Mark Uniacke.

    Hiarcs chess explorer v1.8d keygen